
The Best Boutique and Small Luxury Hotels in Turkey
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Boutique Hotels
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Belawela Muhtarı
Belawela Muhtarı
Kayıt:15 Eki 2006 12:05
Ruh Hali:Mutlu

Mesaj gönderen Siyabend » 16 Mar 2010 17:26

Beytuturab, house made with mud+hay bricks, is a house with three rooms. 11 children were born and grown up whereas in one of rooms, cows and sheep were kept to feed these children. The walls of this house carry the blended smell of human beings, animals, smoke of the fire, (falat) cow shit, various meals of my mum and big sisters, mud and gas lamb. On the roof of the house and in the nests carved in the walls, pigeons used to wander around, feed their babies, and make love noisily.

The beginning of August is the time for the pomegranates to stretch their branches and flowers into the rooms through the windows. The rain drops on the tiles sounded like lullabies for the children sleeping beneath them. The rain on the roof kept even my parents silent, who were early to wake up and make noise. It was unusual and extraordinary for the kids to stay in bed silent but it was the power of rain on the tiles. The light coming through the tiles and the sudden thunderstorms frightened us especially during the night. However, we quickly noticed that we were so many people in the same room, which made the big fear disappeared at once. Only after a few moments of this terrible fear, brothers and sisters started to quarrel again and cry loudly.

Beytuturab is our home; the summary and the miracle of our lives. The miracle revivals once more. We are renovating this house and open its doors and its past to you. We want to share, learn and produce something with you. We invite you to live with us in this mud house with three rooms. Would you like?

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